+ 1 for this item. Alternatively, if it is possible to include the "used" indicator in the JSON, we could filter out used products directly when the results come in. For example in the product below, it already indicates "used" in the standard response. Simply including this would be sufficient for my needs. Thanks!
Hi I want to compare my store price with near by stores so I am using serpAPI to get other stores product price. But sometimes we get Refurbished / used products which will surely have min price then our store so I just want to exclude these records. So please incorporate this feature as well.
Elizabeth Oster
Elizabeth Oster
under review
Hi Umer Rana,
Google sometimes includes the ability to filter product sellers by
Refurbished / used
. In these cases, it's implied that the default results are only for new products. We don't currently support the ability to apply this filter so that's what this thread will be for going forward.
In cases where the results page doesn't include the filter for
Refurbished / used
, it's probably safe to assume that the listings are for new products.