Add additional support Google Maps Places photos
Justin O'Hara
Support Google Maps Places photos with each tab on the upper left side.
Milos Djurdjevic
We have added the Google Maps Photos API. Check out the documentation at:
Milos Djurdjevic
in progress
Morten Veith Schroeder
Yes please. This would be a fantastic upgrade. Right now the scraped images are really quite small and there's a significant loss of quality from the larger ones. This upgrade would really take the images to the next level 🙏 Thank you for a GREAT product. Happy to answer any questions concerning this request if helpful
Milos Djurdjevic
Morten Veith Schroeder: Hi Morten!
While we work on this issue, I just wanted to give you a tip for the low resolution images.
Take for example this thumbnail that you would extract via our API:
If you look closer, you will see the part where width and height are defined:
So, if you just replace the default values here with some bigger number, let's say 6000:
, you will get the full resolution image:Hope this helps!
Morten Veith Schroeder
Milos Djurdjevic: YOU ARE A GENIUS... AMAZING... Thanks you SO much!! It seems this could be really helpful!
Quick question: How do I know how large dimensions to pick? E.g. If I put 6000x6000 and the image doesn't go that large, will it just default to the largest possible?
Milos Djurdjevic
Morten Veith Schroeder: No problem, glad I could help.
Yes, the image will default to its full resolution if smaller than the number set.
Justin O'Hara
under review