Google Maps Search API ll Parameter Being Ignored for Specific Queries
under review
One of our users reached out to report that despite adding UK Bristol coodinates, he gets results from US, too. His search query is "photographers near me" which depends on the location parameter to return the results.
The Playground:
I recently run several thousands Maps requests and can say this is pretty common, and this is actually usual behaviour of Google Maps UI, if one goes and checks by hands. Serpapi just returns what Maps give it. And if we go to almost any search result of Maps in native UI, and run through all the pages by hands, we'll eventually have wider and wider query coverage, that is map will be zooming out by itself.
My script had to check coordinates of every subsequent page results, and if they were too off, stopped pulling next pages.
Can't say if this is really good or bad, but it just replicates Google Maps behaviour for sure and probably should be left as is.
Illia Zub
JK: Thanks for your comment!
> My script had to check coordinates of every subsequent page results, and if they were too off, stopped pulling next pages.
Actually we've added a similar check in a similar issue. The request is retried on the SerpApi side if the country code of request parameters differs from the country code in the results. It doesn't impact how much searches are charged. You pay for successful searches only, not for the number of requests under the SerpApi hood.
Please explain the "too off". How do you calculate it?
Illia Zub: In my case I stopped pagination fetching if the next available page had no results within 2000 pixel distance in original requested zoom, from the requested center. Worked fine for me. Note that sometimes Google Maps still goes back in zoom and returns relevant results, so stricter conditions tended to omit valuable results.
Illia Zub
JK: Please try making searches without the
near me
in the query.The "photographers
near me
" example works like this because of the "near me" part of the query.photographers near me
- shows photographers near the particular proxy location despite UK lat/lon.,-2.582647,10z?hl=en
- shows photographers in the requested UK lat/lon.,-2.582647,10.5z?hl=en
The "near me" query popped up several times as an issue. There's even a remark about "near me" in the docs.

under review